“Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” - Steve Jobs
Shelby H.
To honor KCRP’s 2020 seniors, I will be featuring a few amazing individuals each week until graduation! Please wish these seniors, and all high school and college seniors everywhere, the very best as the begin the next chapter of their lives in a not so certain or familiar time!
a bit about shelby
Baby Shelby.
Name: Shelby H.
Hometown: Prior Lake, MN
High School: Prior Lake High School
Interests: Singing in PLHS choir program, teaching kindergarten faith formation, cooking, and playing with my dog!
Best High School Memory: My best high school memory is of my first day singing with the Poland Tour Choir at my former high school, Shakopee HS. I was a sophomore and it was our first combined rehearsal (and my first time singing with upperclassman) and I was blown away!! Right then I knew I needed to be part of a choir that was so powerful and devoted to their art! I had a permanent smile on my face in every rehearsal and throughout our tour in Poland.
Words to Live By: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude" ~ Maya Angelou
Future Plans: For the next 4 years I will be attending The College of St.Benedict / St.Johns University to study nursing!
Shout Out: Thank you to all my friends and family for the love and support you have shown me over my lifetime! To my best friends, for always laughing with me and helping me through the tough times. To my teachers in both Shakopee & Prior Lake, I learned something from each and every one of you. Whether it be curriculum related or about life in general, you all helped me to view the world through a new lens and I will forever be grateful. But especially to my mom and dad, I would not be the person I am today without your love and guidance.You both have prepared me to face the world and I want you to know I love you and I'm so excited for what this future holds!
a message from home
Our favorite Memory of you is….
“When you dropped your bowl of ice cream on the floor when you were 2 and immediately said “G** D*****!” (full words) with perfectly frustrated inflection. Your Mom was mad (at me), but all I could think was, “that’s an excellent use of that exclamation.” ”
What we want the world to know about you is…
“That you have a compassionate and sensitive spirit. You truly care about helping people, and seem to be your most happy self when you are focussed on others. But the world should know that people like you still need to feel supported. That even though you’ll put on the resilient exterior and likely will not ask for help, you need the hug and kindness just like the people you help.”
Our hope for you is…
“I hope that college will be the fresh start to building friendships that last a lifetime. That the opportunities and education you find at St. Ben’s will open doors to a wonderful life! I hope you find joy, happiness, and love to fill every corner of your world! You are an amazing young woman, and your mom and I are so proud of you!
Our job as your parents was to teach you everything we could so that one day you could set off on your own path and make your way. To show you examples of love, kindness, joy, faith, along with drive, tenacity, and resilience so you had the tools to not only survive but to thrive! That day is coming, and you are so ready! Trust your heart, take the risks, and never settle for less than everything you deserve! We love you!”